
Mortgage Outcome is a company that offers assistance and mediation with mortgages. ScheidingsKompas is a company that offers help and mediation in divorce. Both companies are the same owner. Because the companies are the same owners, but operate under different names and run on different websites, this involves extra work and costs.


2 Months


june 2019


These are two companies operating under different names. Currently, these are the companies HypotheekUitkomst and ScheidingsKompas. Mortgage Outcome is a company that offers assistance and mediation with mortgages. ScheidingsKompas is a company that offers help and mediation in divorce. Both companies are the same owner. Because the companies are the same owners, but operate under different names and run on different websites, this involves extra work and costs. In order to reduce costs and reduce work, there must be an umbrella website that includes both companies. The main thing is that costs are reduced and that it takes less time to maintain the websites. It is also confusing that they are different names, but actually belong to the same company. In order to gain and develop brand awareness, it will therefore also be useful to have one website.


The wishes and requirements of the client are very clear. It should cost less money and take less time to maintain the website. At the moment there are two websites and they both look quite different. The wish is that there is one website with one style so that it is easier to maintain. Furthermore, it is much clearer to customers that they are dealing with the same people.


Session code Watch, Mortgage Outcome and ScheidingsKompas must remain separate, even if they come under the same website. It should not be the case that someone who needs advice on finances is also confronted with mediation in divorce.


First, the research will be discussed and the required theory. Use was made of interviews and desk research. Both were needed to get a picture of a mediator. After this research, the old websites were analyzed to see what could be reused and what needed to be renewed. Usability and User Experience have been looked at to put the user first with the new website. In the concept phase, we looked at the merging of the website and what structure the website should have. A concept was devised containing the necessary pages and functionalities that the new website should contain. A corporate identity and a new name have also been designed. After the concept phase, a low fi and a high fi prototype was developed, of which the high fi prototype was testable. Various prototypes have been developed for mobile, tablet and desktop because the new website had to be fully responsive. At the end of the design phase, a few more tests were conducted to see whether there were areas for improvement in the new design and a number of changes were discussed with the client prior to the tests. Everything will be incorporated into the improved prototype at the end of this report.


We will use four test persons to test the website. These test persons will perform different tasks and on the basis of how these tasks are performed, conclusions can be drawn. Tasks have been drawn up that the test persons must perform. We will look at the Task Success, the Time on Task and the Error Rates. Task Success checks whether the task is successfully performed. The Time on Task measures how long it takes to complete the task. The Error Rates look at how often someone makes a mistake while performing the task. This could be, for example, that something is being overlooked or that people end up on the wrong page.