dashboard Tubber

The company currently has a dashboard that can be used to manage boats, bookings, payments, requests, etc. However, this dashboard is unclear and the design has not been updated for two years


6 Months




At the moment the company has a dashboard, but this dashboard has not been updated for a long time. As a result, the dashboard has become cluttered, making the important functions difficult for users to find. The goal is to redesign the dashboard to improve the user experience. A literature search was conducted with the main question:


The company currently has a dashboard that can be used to manage boats, bookings, payments, requests, etc. However, this dashboard is unclear and the design has not been updated for two years. This makes many important functions difficult to find, not to use and / or obsolete. The internship company has commissioned a redesign of the current dashboard. The User Experience of the dashboard will be central here, which will result in an efficient dashboard to use.


In a meeting with the sales team, the sales team set the following requirements; 1. View, edit and delete applications and requests. 2. Indicate whether a customer is returning 3. It should be easy to search for boats for customers from the home page. The sales team has indicated that it would like to see an extensive and simple search option in the dashboard. The following filters have been defined for the extended search function: Country, Owner, Charter type, Departure port, From date), Duration of stay, Flexibility, Boat category, Boat type, Mainsail, Foresail, Shipyard, Brand and type, Length, Cabins, Sleeping places, Toilets and showers, Price a week, Age, Equipment 4. After adjusting data within the dashboard, the sales team wants to be able to see what has been adjusted and confirm this. It is a requirement for the development team that data can be easily edited / maintained. The following requirements were set in a meeting with the development team; 1. Boats should be easy to view, edit or delete. 2. Bookings should be easy to view, edit or delete. 3. Locations should be easy to view, edit, or delete. 4. Payments must be easy to view, edit, or delete. 5. Indicate whether users are online 6. All functionalities in the current dashboard must be found in the new dashboard.


It was decided to evaluate the developed prototype through the think-aloud method because the comments from users are an important source of insight and empathy for designers, as well as evidence of possible problems in usability and user preferences. Two employees from the sales and development team were tested and one all-round employee was tested. All test persons have successfully completed the test tasks. One of the test persons to not yet be able to use the dashboard in its current form. However, the rest of the test persons indicated that they could use the dashboard. The users understood the functionalities and were able to apply them. The test persons from the development team have successfully completed all test tasks. Although the test persons suggested improvements, they indicate that they can use the dashboard in its current form. No problematic situations emerged in the tests and the researcher did not have to intervene. The tests carried out by the sales team did not go as well. For example, one of the three test persons indicated that they could not use the dashboard in its current form because the dashboard was still too broadly set up. The test persons from the sales team had virtually no problems navigating the dashboard.


All test persons were able to successfully complete all test tasks. The tests conducted by the development team went well. The test persons have successfully completed all test tasks. Although the test persons have suggested improvements, they indicate that they can use the dashboard in its current form. No problematic situations emerged in the tests and the researcher did not have to intervene. When the suggested improvements have been implemented, the development team can efficiently use the dashboard.