Online marketing

Online marketing, how to do it right!


In order to get a message across to the target group through different channels or in different forms, it is important that the message is unambiguous and coherent. That way, the message will linger longer.

Call to Action

Ultimately, you want to achieve something with your content. It is therefore important that a (potential) customer has the opportunity to take action after reading or seeing the content. Therefore, make sure you have the correct contact details, a registration button or a link to the website.


The developments within online marketing are fast. It is not a one-off action, but an ongoing process. It is therefore important that the information and content you distribute is up to date. That creates authority, trust and better search results in Google.

What can i do for you?


How about search engine optimization? Before you use it, you first want to know what it can yield. Lots of different stories are circulating on the internet and there are a lot of trends in SEO. Trends such as putting your audience first or updating your website so that all information is relevant to your target audience. But how do you do that? Where do you start?

Social Media

Social media is known to everyone these days. This offers a unique opportunity for the reach of a marketing campaign, it is fast and effective. You as an entrepreneur also reach a relevant target group in this way.

Digital ads

In contrast to traditional media, you can target your target group very specifically via the internet. Ads on LinkedIn and Facebook, for example, can be set to show only people who meet certain criteria. Examples of criteria are work level, age, position and interests. By targeting well, you can show a relevant message to a relevant target group, so that the chance of a good return increases.