Eat sleep test repeat


Be it a simple portal or a complex enterprise solution with mission critical tasks, we are here to exploit the power and maturity of PHP to address the full spectrum of your business needs.

FULL-CYCLE: From idea to product


During the first stage, designers must explain and justify the need for their project. Generally, this is also when designers research, explore existing products, produce an initial sketch and create a design brief, which identifies what materials are needed and what will actually be designed.


Next, concepts become more sophisticated. This is the stage when students make design specifications, determine how many materials are required, estimate the time needed and go over details such as color and scale. Additionally, this is when the rudimentary sketch from the previous stage becomes a blueprint with precise measurements.


Here, technical skills are used to physically follow the plan to make the solution. At this point, designers should feel prepared to take their ideas off paper and create them with physical materials. However, during this stage, designers shouldn't feel handcuffed by their design and should be open to thinking on the spot. Initial testing occurs during this stage and if obstacles are encountered, changes can be made to optimize and improve the original plan.


This is when different testing methods are developed, the success of the solution is judged and any improvements to make the solution are identified. From here, the different stages can be repeated to further develop or advance the solution.



During the exploration you investigate the domain of the problem or opportunity and you start setting up the basis for the entire project, for example through literature or interviews, however there are many different ways and this depends on the assignment


during the concept phase you expand on the exploration. This is when you can really be creative. You try to come up with as many ideas as possible, the crazier the better. You then critically assess them again using different methods. It is very important in this phase to involve the target group in the design process.


You are finally going to make the actual prototype. This can be done in many ways and none is the best. Often multiple prototypes are made with different levels of design and complexity.


The last step and perhaps the most important is the evaluation phase. The prototype is tested among the target audience and you will probably need to adjust your prototype. You keep doing this until you no longer have any problems or end up with an acceptable pilot version.